2 June 2013

What is Your Brand?

On April 18, during the fabulous chaos of opening our doors for the first time, The Bermuda Chamber of Commerce emailed me inviting Petals to host "Business After Hours" on May 30th.  "Of course" I said...not having a clue as to what I was agreeing to.  And so we did. Chamber Members were invited for a Meet and Greet and it was up to me to decide what we'd offer by way of refreshments.


We used our ubiquitous industrial custom made benches as a makeshift bar and John Narraway, whom I had only contacted that morning, poured. Wearing a bow tie I insisted he leave undone for a rakish look, John ensured that the Rum Swizzles (laced with Goslings Black Seal Rum) were decorated with a slice of freshly cut orange and a cherry (with the stalk intact) and wine were in plentiful supply. Kevin from Victoria Grill organized the Guacamole and Chips and we were in our own version of gourmet heaven.


Amanda and I had worked the night before. I putting up the mirror and getting administrative work tidied away while Amanda captured each of the flowers that now fill the fridge (you really do need to see every single image this post contains). I don't know if her work is getting better,  whether we are just bringing in amazing flowers or simply a combination of both but when I saw the images she'd uploaded, they took my breath away. You really are good at this Ms. Temple!

I had been asked to say a few words to all the Chamber members and for the past few days had reflected on the message I wished to convey. With a clink of glasses I was introduced and surrounded by my team and a fridge filled with flowers, after thanking every one for coming, here is what I had to say:

"I don’t often listen to introductions because I am not sure I completely believe everything that is being said about the person being introduced. You only are told the good stuff and what they’ve accomplished. But the sum of who someone is – well, they are more than that. 

A person is an amazing labyrinth not only of their successes but also of the mistakes they’ve made and what they’ve learned. I scraped through school, have been married twice, have had a plethora of jobs. I tend to take up hobbies because of the men in my life rather than because it was something that I was passionate about - all as a way of connecting.  And then I entered the world of being entrepreneur and found a passion of my own. And in doing so, realized there has been an underlying thread to my life. I want to matter.




Seth Godin is my favourite marketing guru. Today’s blog was about “What is Your Brand?” (which I thought quite appropriate). He said: If you tell me about service and quality and customer focus, you haven't answered my question, because a hundred other brands stand for that. If you are what others are, then there's nothing here to own or protect or build upon.

I have always thought that I marched to a different drum. I don’t want to be like everyone else. And when asked why I do what I do I can only say: I want to matter. I want what I create to have an impact on someone’s life. 

Like me, Petals marches to a different beat. 

It is unlike any other floral shop. We strive to convey a message with the flowers we send. I demand much from my crew and in turn they demand much from me. A person who becomes a florist does so because to be a good florist, in fact to be an amazing florist, they have to care about what they do. It’s not just a job. It’s a passion. They are creative and find inspiration from the most unexpected places. It’s about creating beauty. 

People who send flowers from Petals send more than flowers. They send this unspoken message that that person receiving the flowers matters.

And with that short speech I hope I answered Seth Godin's question: What is Your Brand?

Vanda Orchid

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