14 January 2013

Take one...

moment to see, to truly see the intricacies of each flower,
the startling differences of each bloom,
the uniqueness of each person with whom we interact,
the fleeting sense of each moment,
the quickening of your heart, the resignation or the aching sadness
or the sheer joy of each memory locked in your mind.

Recognize each for what they are. No more, no less.
But how, woven together, they create this rich tapestry called life.

Flowers are the same. Each evokes a memory, a smile, a love/hate reaction.
Whether you are drawn to a colour, a style: the fussiness or simplicity of each.

Flowers on a casket, lavender in a sachet of your mother's chest of drawers,
a single sunflower at the end of your bed - left with love.

Amanda had arranged a selection of this week's flowers brought in for the Artist's Exhibition. Creating her own tapestry that pleased her eye. And satisfied, she stepped back to capture her work. Again seeing the uniqueness and beauty of each bloom.

What do flowers mean to you?


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